IBRRI Wetland Knowledge and Research

womenfishPhoto: © TSWhitty


Under IBRRI Strategic Plan's Operational Objective 1: Facilitate and promote wetland knowledge and experience sharing, the initiative has led the development of A Methodology for Rapid Assessment of Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation Planning at Ramsar Sites, an easy to use tool for wetland managers to evaluate the impacts that climate change will have on the habitats, species, and livelihoods of communities around wetlands. The outcomes of the VA tool and guide the development of climate change adaptation options that will help the communities and ecosystem mitigate the impact of climate change. 

Trainings and Publications

Thailand National Wetland Training

IBRRI held intensive 10-day national training on wetland management and climate change impacts in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, and Viet Nam with over 130 wetland practitioners. The Mekong Wetlands University Network developed the curriculum, which focused on wetland monitoring tools, including the Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment, and the application of these tools at Ramsar field sites in each country. 

Ferry boat on the way to Aung Kan Thar Village, Thaton Township, Mon State

In Myanmar, Nature and Wildlife Conservation Division and Ramsar Regional Center East Asia hosted training for wetlands managers, focusing on R-METT, wetlands management, Ramsar site designation, and updating Ramsar Information Sheets (RIS).

Myanmar National Wetland Inventory

The bilateral partnership between Myanmar and the Norwegian Environment Agency has led to the publication of the Myanmar National Wetland Inventory Volume 1: Technical Data, Volume 2: National Wetland Inventory, and Volume 3: Compendium of Important Wetlands are currently under review.

