Projet | Jan, 2019 - May, 2022

An inclusive approach to assessing integrative scenarios and visions for protected area management (ENVISION)

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Overview and objectives

Creating protected area (PA) management strategies that enhance biodiversity conservation while also support the needs of residents and agriculture, tourism, energy, and water management sectors is a…
Creating protected area (PA) management strategies that enhance biodiversity conservation while also support the needs of residents and agriculture, tourism, energy, and water management sectors is a major global challenge. ENVISION aims to explore inclusive conservation as a creative and original approach that combines participatory scenario modelling, multi-narrative platforms, and co-creation of knowledge to build PA management strategies that are socially relevant, economically productive, and environmentally sustainable. The consideration of multiple dimensions of biodiversity, ecosystem services, and well-being in biodiversity scenarios is core to this approach. ENVISION will foster co-ordination across regional, national, and international stakeholders interested in PA management and post-2020 biodiversity conservation policy.
ENVISION aims to explore inclusive conservation as a creative and original approach that combines participatory scenario modelling, multi-narrative platforms, and co-creation of knowledge to build PA…
ENVISION aims to explore inclusive conservation as a creative and original approach that combines participatory scenario modelling, multi-narrative platforms, and co-creation of knowledge to build PA management strategies that are socially relevant, economically productive, and environmentally sustainable.

Le projet en un coup d'œil

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Priorités Nature 2030:

Merci à nos donateurs

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ENVISION website